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What Drives You?

This is a question that most people come across throughout their lives, and it can be quite difficult to answer at times. To complicate the question further the answer to this question changes as our lives progress. What drives a person at 18 is probably drastically different than what drives them at 55. Life events change our drive, maybe you just had your first child, lost your job, got married, or lost a loved one. Your drive is the reason you do the things you do.

If you don’t like your current circumstance, it’s time to analyze what is driving you. What’s the reason you are working in that job you hate? Is it to provide for your family? That’s a pretty good reason, but you need to take into account YOUR happiness! Is it to buy a new Bentley? Eh, is it really worth it?

Now, we’re not telling you to just up and quit. What we are suggesting is to re-analyzer your drive, will it bring you lifelong happiness (NOT the Bentley)?

We have been blessed to have the same 3 major driving factors driving both of us. At our current stage the factors are:

1: God. God will always be number one on our list. He has blessed us with a wonderful life.

2: Our family. We have wonderful children who brighten up every moment, in addition we have a great support system with our parents and siblings. They help to pull us from any darkness and doubt that creeps into our lives. Our drive is to make sure we can reciprocate the love, compassion, and support they show us. We also want to support them in every endeavor they take on. While we fail, what we would consider most of the time, we strive to be better pillars for them to lean on.

3: The 1 person we might help. If we can help 1 person that is struggling each day, we consider it a success, we want to shed light in a dark world. We strive to unite people when we are constantly being pulled apart. We want to encourage someone so that they know they are loved. If that person is you today, we are so glad you decided to stop by!

Make sure your drive aligns with your morals and goals in life! Always know there are people who love you and want to support you!

So, what’s driving you?

- Aaron and Sarah

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